Last week, the Hash Rush management team went to Barcelona to present our project at the Blockchain Solutions forum, we officially announced the new name of the space pirates (Rick’s Ravagers!), and did a whole bunch of other stuff. Let’s begin!
Presenting Hash Rush at the Blockchain Solutions Forum
Kris and Nathan went to Barcelona to participate in the Blockchain Solutions Forum. Here, we presented Hash Rush to a large audience and manned our own Hash Rush booth. Want to see our presentation? Take a look!
Rick’s Ravagers
As you might have seen, we published an article on Rick’s Ravagers and how Rick Everrusty, leader of the Ravagers, came to life under the skilful hands of our concept artists Dendy and Nic. We received a lot of great feedback about this, particularly on Steemit. If you haven’t read our article yet, do check it out.
What’s in store for week 41?
This week, we have quite a few tasks coming up. On Tuesday, we’ll publish the interview with Tenzin Chiodak, our new Community Manager (come say hi on Discord!). On Wednesday, we’ll be at the ICO Event UK, after which we’ll continue the Hash Rush tour in Riga (for the Riga Gaming Congress) and Kiev (for the Blockchain Conference Kiev) on Thursday.
Simultaneously, we’re picking up our bounty campaign, writing up a new document illustrating how to participate in our ICO for gamers unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies, and of course we’ll do a lot more in between. Stay tuned.
Let us know if you have any questions, join us on Discord or sign up for our newsletter, and upvote this article if you liked it!