One week ago, we planned to publish our new white paper, expand our team and launch the new Hash Rush website. Now that week 36 is over, we can say that we successfully did all those things—and more. In this update, we’ll discuss our visit to the Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference in Stockholm, our teleconference with Japanese investors, and the new Community Manager job opening. Take a look and read more below!
Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference in Stockholm
Last week Thursday, Hash Rush co-founders Kris and Nathan flew out to Stockholm to attend the Blockchain and Bitcoin Conference. This conference is held throughout Europe (and beyond), and on 7 September it was organised in Stockholm.
As a Silver Sponsor of the conference, Hash Rush received a lot of interest from both investors and gamers alike. People who saw the alpha gameplay video and our banner (above) were generally very impressed. By explaining the gameplay concept and answering questions about the upcoming ICO, we gave Hash Rush another good PR push and made the conference in a big success. To us, this confirmed again that we have a beautiful ‘game-in-the-making’ on our hands.
Blockchain Labo Conference in Tokyo & Osaka
Having participated in the Blockchain Conference in Stockholm, Kris and Nathan quickly flew back to Riga. This time, they took part in a conference held in Tokyo (on 9 September) and Osaka (on 10 September); the attendees were mostly cryptocurrency investors.
A professional video team helped us to set everything up and ensured that the teleconference ran as smoothly as possible — a huge thanks to the National Television of Latvia. Our Japanese audience was highly interested and all we can say now is that Japan will be well-represented during our ICO on 20 September.
Job Opening at Hash Rush: Community Manager
The Hash Rush team is growing! Last week we decided to put up an official job posting to help us in the search for the Hash Rush Community Manager. Do take a look at the job description on Medium or Steemit. If you are interested in this position or know someone who fits the bill, please send your cover letter + CV to
New white paper, new website, shifted ICO dates
In one of our previous articles, we discussed our latest changes to the Hash Rush project. But since a large part of our week was filled with working on the new white paper and our new website, we wanted to mention them here again. So if you’re interested, please do take a look at our new white paper and new website, and leave your comments below. Also, please take note of our new ICO dates. You’ll be able to purchase your Rush Coin tokens from 20 September at 20.00 UTC to 20 October at 20.00 UTC.
Telegram Channel
Before we end this article and look at our current week, we quickly want to mention that we also have a Telegram channel. Telegram is an instant-messaging service and helps you to keep up to date of the entire Hash Rush project. So if you have an account, please follow us on Telegram!
What’s in store for week 37?
This week we’ll be working on a new interview with one of our newest team members here on Medium. Also, Kris and Nathan will do a Q&A with a Korean news outlet, and near the end of the week we’ll publish our first official game trailer! If you want to know more, please subscribe to our mailing list. And for questions or comments, let us know below, on Reddit, on Slack, or through one of our other media channels.
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