17 October 2017 Update: Based on community feedback, we have decided to amend some of the details of the signature & Reddit campaigns below. We want to thank you for your continued support and as always, don’t hesitate to contact us at community@hashrush.com if you have any concerns or questions.
You have been incredibly patient with us and the Hash Rush Bounty Campaign, and we want to thank you for that. Due to unforeseen circumstances, you had to wait much longer on an update from us than you should have. But now we’re happy to say that, with this article, we’ll properly continue the Hash Rush Bounty Campaign. So from today onwards until the end of the ICO, you’ll have the chance to earn as much Rush Coin (RC) as you can! Let’s get to it.
Changes to the Bounty Campaign guidelines
In this article, we have set out the official guidelines of the Hash Rush Bounty Campaign. Below you will find the exact rules of each campaign. Every section includes the relevant (and official) spreadsheets covering the status of the current campaigns, which we’ll be updating in the coming days. Having analysed the work needed for every payout, we decided to put individual payout caps in place. An individual cap equals the maximum amount of RC you can receive when participating in a specific campaign; if you put in a maximum amount of work, you can expect to receive the maximum cap.
Before we move to each individual campaign, please note that this is the official Hash Rush Bounty Campaign post, which we posted three times. You can find the URLs at:
- Medium: https://medium.com/@Hash_Rush/update-to-the-hash-rush-bounty-campaign-425f8c1c11a3
- Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2276102
- Steemit: https://steemit.com/ico/@nume/update-to-the-hash-rush-bounty-campaign
So if you have some time on your hands and want to earn some (extra) Rush Coin, read the rules below and participate!
1. The Facebook Campaign
The rules of the Facebook Campaign are as follows:
- The total payout is capped at 50,000 RC.
- The individual payout is capped at 150 RC.
- Each participant of the Facebook campaign should have at least 300 friends on Facebook.
- Participants should press the ‘like’ button, follow the official Hash Rush page, and repost at least one Hash Rush post per week.
- To receive the reward, each participant is expected to participate until 20 October (end of ICO)
- How to earn “contribution” points in the Facebook campaign:
You receive 4 points for following and liking the official Hash Rush page.
You receive 1 point for every shared Hash Rush post.
7. You will receive an RC payout relative to your contribution points, though no more than the individual cap.
- You can register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScg5qtW6ERZFFRtrL6wSIIOqfZ1GjXhrFrREa2w-NggO3ZXzQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
- Please find the current status of the campaign at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12a2QAHnl1AZqSGU4tOqnd8q5n2WxDzQhGL0kUWnsV7U/edit?usp=sharing
2. The Twitter Campaign
The rules of the Twitter Campaign are as follows:
- The total payout is capped at 50,000 RC.
- The individual payout is capped at 150 RC.
- Each participant in the Twitter Bounty campaign should have a minimum of 300 followers.
- Each participant should follow the official Hash Rush Twitter account, hit the Like button and retweet one of our Tweets at least once per week.
- To receive the reward, each participant is expected to participate until 20 October (end of ICO)
- Accounts that use spam and “artificial” Likes and Shares, are excluded from the campaign.
- How to earn “contribution” points in the Twitter campaign:
You receive 4 points for following and liking the official Hash Rush page.
You receive 1 point for every retweeted Hash Rush post.
8. You will receive an RC payout relative to your contribution points, though no more than the individual cap.
- You can register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeE4ymhHqQ9sfUAl18C6y_9RrvhQfVyUhHF3AgUduh5oHs0pQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
- Please find the current status of the campaign at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HH_kibYbkLEXlJO7nJ9QS4TrEskVOa810uPQfQhu81g/edit?usp=sharing
3. The Bitcointalk Signature Campaign
The rules of the Bitcointalk Signature Campaign are as follows:
- The total payout is capped at 100,000 RC.
- Each member should set up a Hash Rush signature in their Bitcointalk profile according to the profile rank. BBC signature codes are available at BitcoinTalk.
- Each campaign member should make at least 50 publications on Bitcointalk outside Hash Rush topic page during their participation in campaign.
- How to earn “contribution” points in the BitcoinTalk signature campaign:
- Legendary/Hero. 2 points for each publication.
- Senior/Full: 1.5 points for each publication.
- Junior/Member: 1 point for each publication.
- You can still register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDMAO8j0cAMd5tXPazcJtAlKO_4tfpJawzcMjTtz8W_qgH1g/viewform?usp=sf_link
- Please find the current status of the campaign at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10rghdSwEiXRPkxXNptbWbWxN4FHnHMy7p_hqeEaZC54/edit?usp=sharing
4. The Bitcointalk Translation Campaign
We have decided to end the Bitcointalk Translation Campaign early. All active participants are eligible to receive the individual payout cap, which is set at 1500 RC.
To reiterate, the rules of the Bitcointalk Translation Campaign were as follows:
- The individual payout is capped at 1500 RC.
- Only members with profile rank Jr. Member or higher can participate.
- Each member should translate the original post and whitepaper and create national Hash Rush thread at Bitcointalk, and publish the translation. Also, the member should post the minimum of 3 posts per day in the national thread of Hash Rush. In these posts the member should answer the questions of the users and publish the news and useful information. Following languages are welcome — Japanese, Chinese traditional, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Russian, Korean.
- How to earn “contribution” points in the BitcoinTalk Thread campaign:
- You receive 1 point for every publication (answers and posts) in the national thread of Hash Rush.
- You receive 25 points for the translation of the original post.
- You receive 100 points for the translation of whitepaper.
- Registration has closed.
- Please find the current status of the campaign at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pz7l9KyR-Dc01NSzCipVCJjb8hKcvM19RK9jkeYRunY/edit?usp=sharing
5. The Blogging campaign
The rules of the Blogging Campaign are as follows:
- The individual payout is capped at 1000 RC
- The payout per article/post/video is capped at 300 RC
- If you are a blogger or vlogger active in the blockchain, cryptocurrency or gaming community, we would love to see you join the Hash Rush project. All you have to do is publish an article about our project or promote it in a different way, either on your blog or in a video.
- There are three tiers of submissions, which we will assess on a case-by-case basis according to quality and reach:
- Tier 1 (OK) = 100 RC.
- Tier 2 (Good) = 200 RC.
- Tier 3 (Extraordinary) = 300 RC.
- Please note that participants that copy or plagiarise one of our own articles (or any other articles for that matter) for this campaign, will not be entitled to a reward.
- You can still register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmdxlMLKMkOtYN9nANcDMEPl0yw9m2x2kP0sZopqxjXvlVUQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
- Please find the current status of the campaign at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Dpr5Zt8o5L54zLFn8U-1EmP27F3vpOV4pfjxFDEyvN4/edit?usp=sharing
6. The Reddit campaign
We have decided to end the Reddit Campaign early. All active participants are eligible to receive the individual payout cap, which is set at 600 RC.
- Registration has closed.
- Please find the current status of the campaign at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rZzXZKwuks8JuuiUsBdMNl77UIIkhGxb5w45fBtkJJY/edit?usp=sharing
- To confirm your participation in the Reddit campaign, please send an email to community@hashrush.com with your Slack account name, ETH address, Reddit account name and email.
Contribution Payouts and Questions
After the ICO has ended (on 20 October), we will take a look at all participants and their contribution points, and calculate exactly how much RC each participant should receive. Note that at the moment of writing, the sheets haven’t been fully updated yet. We will be updating these sheets in the coming days. If you have any questions in the mean time, or if you have another comment, please let us know by sending us a message at community@hashrush.com or on Discord.
We reserve the right to make changes to the rules and guidelines of the Hash Rush Bounty Campaign when and where appropriate.