Playing the Hash Rush Summer Beta

Hash Rush
8 min readAug 31, 2022


Greetings Voyagers and welcome to the official Hash Rush beginners guide!

The summer 2022 playtest (beta) introduces a lot of new features, so even if you’ve played Hash Rush during any of the previous playtests, we’d recommend that you have a quick read through this guide.


The summer beta introduces the following new features, and you can find a guide to each of these features in this article.

  1. New game mode: Dungeons
  2. Expanded game mode: Standard Mode
  3. Expansion to heroes: active abilities, passive abilities, and ultimate abilities.
  4. Brand new crafting system
  5. New unit mechanics

Dungeon Mode

First thing’s first, what is the dungeon mode?

Dungeon mode is a special game mode in Hash Rush and is very different to the standard mode.

When playing dungeon mode, players do not build a base and train units when playing, instead, they need to put their team together before they challenge the dungeon. That said, players cannot bring in unlimited characters, instead,

  • Players are given a set amount of points that they can use to buy units.
  • Each unit costs a certain amount of points (variable based on unit type)
  • Players can also buy upgrades (but it will cost points)
  • Players can bring up to 3 heroes that they own into the dungeon, but like all other units, heroes also cost points.
  • The player can change their team composition (units, upgrades, heroes) at anytime until they start the dungeon challenge.
  • Once the dungeon challenge starts, they cannot add new team members, and if a character dies, they cannot be replaced.
  • Points are free, cannot be increased, and are reset every-time you start a new dungeon match,

Important: For the beta, we’ve set the limit to 30+6. 30 points for the regular units and upgrades, and 6 points reserved for heroes. Please note, this figure will change by the time the game goes fully live later in the year.

What’s more, the new dungeon mode works hand in hand with the new crafting system as this is the only way to obtain the crafting cores. Jump down to the crafting system to learn more about the crafting cores.

Challenging the Dungeon

Now that we’ve got the basic dungeon introduction out of the way, its time show you how to challenge the dungeon.

New to the summer beta, after clicking on the play button, players are given a choice on what mode they wish to play, the standard mode or the dungeon mode.

To play the dungeon mode, simply select the dungeon mode, the background will glow indicating which mode is selected.

Select Dungeon Mode and click on continue.

After clicking on continue, players are sent to the dungeon selection menu. In this menu, players can see which dungeons have been unlocked, and what the rewards are in each dungeon. Pay special attention to the rewards as these are the crafting cores, and each dungeon has a different reward pool.

Hint: Each planet type will have its own dungeon. The Forest and Steppes dungeons are available in the summer beta.

The summer beta lets players take on the Forest and the Steppes dungeon.

After selecting the dungeon, players will then need to put together a team. As this is a vital step (arguably, the most important) the process has been made to be as simple as possible.

First, players are shown the unit and upgrade selection screen. Here players have to put together a team consisting of units of their choice.

Pay attention to the top right (just under the ‘back to hub’ button) as this is where players can swap between units and upgrades.

Select your units and upgrades

After putting together a team, the next step is to click on start (the text on this button will change as start is slightly misleading). Clicking on this button will take players to the hero selection screen.

Important: Players can only select the heroes that they own. If the player owns the hero, the card will be bright/fully coloured, if they do not own the hero, it will be greyed out. Players do not need to bring heroes with them, however it is highly advised.

Select your heroes

Once the player has selected their heroes, it will be time to start the dungeon challenge. Simply click on the start match button on the bottom right of the screen and let the dungeon load.

Dungeon Hints and Tips

  • Hero abilities will be the difference between winning and loosing
  • Clearing a room will trigger an area of effect healing spell. If you see a green particle effect/cycle, send your units into it for a quick heal.
  • Units cannot see through walls, doors, or other obstacles, so look out for ambushes.
  • Players have a time limit in the dungeon, the green bar on top of the screen shows you how much time you have left.
One does not simply see through walls
Heal effect

New to Standard Mode

First introduced in the spring 2022 playtest, standard mode is the typical Real-time Strategy (RTS) deathmatch (but in PvE mode only). However, since then, some vital changes have been made, both while starting the match and in-game.

Planet Selection

The first major change is the addition of new planets and maps. For the summer beta, players can find:

  • Forest planet that includes 3 Forest maps and 3 Fae maps.
  • Steppes planet that includes 3 Plains maps and 3 Thunderlands maps.
  • Vital information regarding the map that the player selected will be displayed. What heroes have a buff for the planet, what resources can be found (common and rare), and an overview of what the map layout is like.
Planet selection
Map selection

Standard Mode: In-game

Standard mode is the same game mode that was introduced back in our spring playtest but has been heavily expanded on since then. Make sure to try this mode again, as it has been massively improved on since then,

A breakdown of the gameplay is as follows:


  • Resources are needed to construct buildings, train units, and research technologies.
  • The in-game resources are: Food, wood, ore, fireflies, with crystals as the special resource.
  • Food can only be collected by constructing a farm on top of fertile land.

Resources are gathered by workers

  • Workers are needed to construct buildings and gather resources
  • Workers are trained in the Voyagers Bastion.

Workers construct buildings

  • Workers construct buildings
  • Some buildings allow players to unlock technologies that increase the effectiveness of your units.

Buildings allow you to train units

  • Buildings allow players to train combat and support units.
  • Defensive buildings are Watchtower and Magetower.

Units form your armies

  • Players need to balance offense and defense.
  • Defensive buildings help defend against enemy attacks, but units and heroes are needed to strike back at the enemies, and destroy the enemy base.

Special: Vision (because units have sight!)

  • Core to the game is the vision system, this is what players see on the map.
  • A fog of war covers the land, so players can see the terrain, but not the units/new buildings (these are hidden by the fog).
  • Units have a line of sight, within this area, the fog of war is lifted.
  • Fog of war is further affected by elevation. Units lift the fog only for the elevation they are on and lower. Never higher.
  • Flying units are the exception, they can see everything.

Playing the Standard Mode — Watch this quick video!

New Heroes and Heroic Abilities

Heroes are the main focus of Hash Rush. They can be purchased at the Vorto store and/or marketplace, crafted in-game, or summoned in the in-game vault.

What’s more, heroes have been massively improved since the spring playtest that’s to the addition of their real abilities; active (player targeted), passive (constantly on), and ultimate (the strongest) are now available and fully animated.


Changes to how heroes are crafted

The crafting system has been massively overhauled, impacting both crafted equipment and the crafted heroes.

Previously, players had to simply collect the crafting resources and then craft the hero.

Now, players need to collect crafting resources, craft hero summoning tokens, then ‘buy’ (with the crafted tokens) the hero of their choice.

A quick video guide (no speech, only in-game footage) has been put together showing how heroes are crafted, and also how equipment is crafted.

And important change to the equipment crafting system is the new equipment cores (this links back to the dungeons as players can only acquire the cores by completing dungeons).

All heroes can be equipped with items (as can be seen in the latter stages of the video above), and the process to craft an item is as follows.

  1. The player must unlock dungeons
  2. The player must complete a dungeon and acquire a equipment core.
  3. The player must have crafting recipes unlocked

Once the requirements have been met, the player can craft an item by going to the crafting screen and:

  1. Selecting a equipment core. The equipment core controls the main stat of the item (example attack %, hp %, etc).
  2. After selecting an equipment core, the player is taken to the recipe screen, there they can choose what item they can craft.
  3. Crafted items have 4 sub-stats, granted at random.
  4. However, the higher the rarity of the equipment core, the more sub-stats the player will see in advance.

Important: In the future, players will be able to increase the level of their items to greatly power-up the items.

And with that, we’re at the end of this quick introduction into Hash Rush, what can be found in the new summer beta, and how to use them.

