When we sat down to develop the future content for Hash Rush had big ideas about multiple factions, events and new gameplay mechanics. These ideas are great, but multiple faction choices are not the only content that will be released in the future. We wanted to create an element to the game that would bring the community of Hash Rush together. This is why we introduced the card system not so long ago. Players will get these cards when buying units and items to improve their mining efficiency.
Players will also be able to combine their cards into stacks thus improving the overall mining power, vision or control of their units. For example you can get a unique card by combining unit and item cards. Thanks to blockchain technology tradable content is backed on Ethereum network so that everybody can follow how many unique content is out there and players can swap without any 3rd party involvement.
Next year during Q3 we will be launching the Hash Rush Hermeian Exchange Platform — a floating space station where traders from all over the galaxy are gathering to trade with their resources. On this platform the players will be able to trade their cards with other players.
And if players want to sell their cards, they can visit the Pirate Market Frigate — a flying spaceship where players can receive RC in exchange for their cards. We believe that introducing this aspect to the game will bring new opportunities to the community.
To get 25% bonus and limited cards join the Pre-ICO and ICO so that you can be one of the first to get your Ethereum mining colony!
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